how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey, a beloved title in the Super Mario franchise, offers players a captivating gaming experience. While Mario takes the spotlight, many players are eager to explore the game from Luigi’s perspective. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey, exploring his abilities, multiplayer dynamics, hidden secrets, and much more. Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure of how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey!

how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

A. Brief Overview of Super Mario Odyssey

how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey

Before exploring the avenue of how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey lets take a look on Super Mario Odyssey, a critically acclaimed video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch console, takes players on a captivating journey through diverse and imaginative kingdoms. Released in 2017, the game follows the iconic plumber, Mario, as he embarks on a globe-trotting adventure to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser’s clutches.

One of the standout features of Super Mario Odyssey is Mario’s sentient hat, known as Cappy, which grants him new abilities by possessing various objects and enemies. The game introduces a sandbox-style exploration system, allowing players to freely roam expansive, intricately designed levels, each with its own theme and challenges.

The overarching narrative unfolds across numerous kingdoms, from the bustling cityscape of New Donk City to the vibrant and exotic locales like the Sand Kingdom and the Luncheon Kingdom. The visually stunning graphics, coupled with a dynamic soundtrack, contribute to an immersive gaming experience.

In addition to the main quest, Super Mario Odyssey incorporates collectibles, such as Power Moons, which players must gather to power Mario’s airship, the Odyssey, and progress through the game. The game’s innovative design, coupled with its nostalgic nods to previous Mario titles, has solidified Super Mario Odyssey as a beloved entry in the Super Mario series.

B. Luigi’s Role in the Game

how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey

now take a one step closer to the query how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey but before that lets delve into the character of Luigi, Mario’s green-clad brother who plays a noteworthy and engaging role in Super Mario Odyssey, contributing a distinct flavor to the overall gaming experience. While the primary focus is often on Mario’s quest to rescue Princess Peach, Luigi’s inclusion adds depth to the game’s narrative and provides players with an alternative character to control and that is the reason player want to know how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey.

In the context of Super Mario Odyssey, Luigi is not initially available for gameplay. However, his role becomes more prominent as players progress through the game and unlock him. To include Luigi in your adventure, certain criteria must be met, adding an extra layer of exploration and accomplishment for players eager to take control of the taller, leaner brother.

What makes Luigi unique in this installment is not just his appearance but also his set of moves and abilities. Luigi’s distinct characteristics, including higher jumps and a unique set of power-ups, contribute to a varied and enjoyable gameplay experience. This allows players to approach challenges and navigate the game’s diverse environments in a different way compared to Mario. that is another reason why players are interested in how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey.

Luigi’s inclusion isn’t merely cosmetic; it enhances the overall storytelling and dynamics of Super Mario Odyssey. As players delve deeper into the game, they discover Luigi’s specific contributions to the unfolding narrative. Whether he’s assisting Mario in overcoming obstacles or showcasing his unique skills, Luigi becomes an integral part of the gaming journey.

Moreover, the multiplayer mode in Super Mario Odyssey allows friends to join in the adventure, as we will explore this aspect later that this is one way of how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey. As one player controlling Mario and the other taking on the role of Luigi. This cooperative aspect adds a social dimension to the game, making it a shared experience for players to enjoy together.

In essence, Luigi’s role in Super Mario Odyssey extends beyond being a mere sidekick. He brings his own set of abilities, personality, and charm to the game, creating a more diverse and enjoyable gameplay experience for those who choose to guide him through the magical kingdoms alongside Mario.


II. Unlocking Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey

how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey

How to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey involves a series of specific steps, adding an exciting element to the gameplay. Here’s a guide on how to play as luigi in Super Mario Odyssey and enjoy the adventure with Mario’s green-clad brother:

  1. Progress Through the Game:
    • Begin by progressing through the main story of Super Mario Odyssey. Luigi doesn’t make an appearance in the early stages, so focus on completing the initial kingdoms and objectives.
  2. Reach the Mushroom Kingdom:
    • Advance in the game until you reach the Mushroom Kingdom. This iconic location serves as the hub for various activities and is where you’ll ultimately unlock Luigi. And this is where Your query of how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey starts.
  3. Collect Power Moons:
    • In order to take a step closer to how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey, you’ll need to collect a specific number of Power Moons. These are scattered throughout the Mushroom Kingdom, so explore each area thoroughly and complete various tasks to gather them.
  4. Complete the Main Storyline:
    • Progress through the main story until you’ve defeated Bowser and rescued Princess Peach. This achievement marks a significant milestone in how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.
  5. Locate Luigi in the Mushroom Kingdom:
    • After completing the main story, return to the Mushroom Kingdom. You’ll find Luigi near the Odyssey, Mario’s airship. He’ll be excited to join the adventure.
  6. Complete Luigi’s Balloon World:
    • Luigi’s participation in the game comes with a fun twist. So how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey, you need to fully unlock him, engage in Luigi’s Balloon World, a mini-game where you hide and seek balloons in various kingdoms. Complete a set number of challenges in this mode.
  7. Collect More Power Moons:
    • Continue collecting Power Moons both in the Mushroom Kingdom and other unlocked kingdoms. This not only strengthens your overall progress but also contributes to Luigi’s continued involvement.
  8. Check for Luigi’s Assistance:
    • As you explore additional kingdoms, periodically return to the Mushroom Kingdom to see if Luigi has new tasks or challenges for you. His role expands beyond the initial unlock, offering ongoing engagement.

By following these steps, players can successfully unlock Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey and experience the game with a new perspective, enjoying the distinctive abilities and charm that Luigi brings to the iconic gaming universe.

III. Understanding Luigi’s Abilities

Luigi’s presence in Super Mario Odyssey introduces a set of unique abilities and characteristics that distinguish him from his more famous brother, Mario. As players unlock Luigi and guide him through the enchanting kingdoms of the game, they’ll discover a range of traits that add depth and variety to the overall gaming experience and this is why they get interested in Luigi character and want to know how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.

how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey

1. Heightened Jumping Ability:

  • One of Luigi’s standout features is his exceptional jumping ability. Luigi is known for his higher and more extended jumps compared to Mario. This can be particularly advantageous when navigating tricky terrains or reaching otherwise inaccessible areas.

2. Balloon Float:

  • Luigi showcases his agility with a distinctive balloon float move. By holding the jump button after a jump, players can make Luigi float briefly, providing extra time to reach platforms or avoid hazards. Mastering this move adds a layer of finesse to gameplay making players wander how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.

3. Unique Power-Ups:

  • Luigi comes equipped with his set of exclusive power-ups. These enhance his abilities and grant players additional strategies to tackle challenges. From special suits to temporary boosts, Luigi’s power-ups contribute to a dynamic and engaging gaming experience leading to the players wish how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.

4. Increased Speed:

  • Luigi is often portrayed as the speedier of the Mario brothers. In Super Mario Odyssey, this characteristic translates into faster movement, allowing players to traverse environments more swiftly. It’s a subtle but impactful difference that can influence gameplay dynamics.

5. Distinctive Spin Jump:

  • Luigi’s spin jump, a signature move, differs from Mario’s. Luigi’s spin has a unique animation and provides a slightly different trajectory. Learning to utilize this move effectively can be advantageous in both exploration and combat situations.

6. Acrobatic Maneuvers:

  • Luigi’s movements are characterized by a certain acrobatic flair. Whether it’s a somersault or a stylish flip, Luigi’s animations add a touch of elegance to the gameplay. These acrobatic maneuvers not only look impressive but also contribute to the overall enjoyment of controlling Luigi.

7. Diverse Costume Options:

  • Luigi’s wardrobe options go beyond mere aesthetics. Some costumes come with special abilities or attributes, offering players the opportunity to tailor Luigi’s appearance to their liking while also strategizing for specific challenges. these are the qualities of Luigi that make players wonder how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.

8. Collaborative Multiplayer Moves:

  • So one answer to the query how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey is the game’s multiplayer mode, Luigi’s collaboration with Mario opens up new possibilities. Cooperative moves and interactions between the two brothers provide an added layer of teamwork and camaraderie for players enjoying the game together.

Understanding Luigi’s abilities enhances the player’s appreciation for the diversity within Super Mario Odyssey. Experimenting with his unique moves, exploiting his strengths, and embracing his individuality contribute to a thoroughly enjoyable and dynamic gaming experience taking the query to the surface how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.

IV. Tips for Playing as Luigi

how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey

How to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey introduces a different set of dynamics compared to controlling Mario. To make the most out of Luigi’s unique abilities and enhance your gaming experience, consider the following tips:

1. Master the Balloon Float:

  • Take advantage of Luigi’s balloon float ability by holding the jump button after a jump. This allows you to cover more distance and reach higher platforms. Practice this maneuver to navigate tricky sections with ease.

2. Utilize Luigi’s High Jumps:

  • Luigi’s exceptional jumping ability can be a game-changer and can be the root cause of why the players want to know how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey. Use it to your advantage in platforming sections, reaching hidden areas, and avoiding enemies. Experiment with the timing to maximize the height and distance of Luigi’s jumps.

3. Experiment with Power-Ups:

  • Luigi has unique power-ups at his disposal. Experiment with these to discover their effects and how they can aid you in different situations. Whether it’s increased speed, enhanced agility, or special suits, incorporating power-ups adds variety to your gameplay.

4. Navigate with Speed:

  • Take advantage of Luigi’s increased speed to swiftly traverse through levels. This can be particularly useful in time-sensitive challenges and when exploring large environments. Be mindful of controlling Luigi’s speed to avoid potential hazards.

5. Combine Acrobatic Moves:

  • Luigi’s acrobatic maneuvers not only look stylish but can also be practical. Combine flips, somersaults, and spins to add flair to your movements. This not only enhances the gaming experience but can also be advantageous in certain scenarios.

6. Experiment with Costume Options:

  • Luigi’s diverse costume options go beyond aesthetics. Some costumes offer unique abilities or attributes. Experiment with different outfits to find a combination that complements your playstyle and provides advantages in specific challenges.

7. Collaborate in Multiplayer Mode:

  • If playing in multiplayer mode, coordinate with your fellow player controlling Mario. Collaborative moves and interactions can open up new opportunities and strategies. Team up to overcome obstacles and tackle challenges more effectively.

8. Explore Luigi’s Easter Eggs:

  • Super Mario Odyssey is known for its hidden secrets and Easter eggs. Keep an eye out for Luigi-specific surprises and discover hidden references to the green-clad brother. Exploring these adds an extra layer of fun to your gameplay and this is why this mysterious brother of Mario surface the query how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey in the players.

9. Return to the Mushroom Kingdom:

  • Periodically return to the Mushroom Kingdom to check for new tasks or challenges from Luigi. His involvement expands beyond the initial unlock, providing ongoing engagement and potential rewards.

10. Engage with the Community:

  • Join the Super Mario Odyssey gaming community to exchange tips and tricks related to playing as Luigi. Community insights can offer new perspectives, strategies, and discoveries that enhance your overall gaming experience and give you more details regarding how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.

By incorporating these tips into your gameplay, you’ll not only master Luigi’s unique abilities but also elevate your overall Super Mario Odyssey experience. Enjoy the adventure with the green-capped hero!

V. How to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey

Luigi’s role in Super Mario Odyssey’s multiplayer mode adds an extra layer of excitement and cooperation to the gaming experience. This is where we get an obvious answer of how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey as In this mode, players have the opportunity to team up with a friend, with one taking control of Mario and the other assuming the role of Luigi. Luigi’s involvement introduces collaborative moves and interactions that enhance the cooperative aspect of gameplay.

1. Shared Exploration:

  • In multiplayer mode, Luigi joins Mario on the adventure, allowing both players to explore the vibrant and diverse kingdoms together. This shared exploration not only enhances teamwork but also adds a social dimension to the game.

2. Combination Moves:

  • Luigi’s collaboration with Mario unlocks unique combination moves. Players controlling the two brothers can experiment with joint maneuvers, such as coordinated jumps or team-based attacks, to overcome obstacles and enemies more effectively.

3. Supportive Actions:

  • Luigi isn’t just a sidekick; he actively contributes to the cooperative effort. Whether it’s assisting in solving puzzles, reaching difficult areas, or providing backup in challenging situations, Luigi’s actions complement Mario’s endeavors and it encourages the players to wonder how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.

4. Strategic Planning:

  • Multiplayer mode encourages strategic planning between players. Luigi’s distinct abilities, such as his high jumps and balloon float, can be strategically employed to overcome obstacles. Communication and coordination become essential for success.

5. Enhanced Combat Dynamics:

  • In combat scenarios, Luigi brings his unique set of moves to the table. Players can coordinate attacks, combining Mario and Luigi’s abilities to tackle enemies and bosses more efficiently. This dynamic duo adds an extra layer of fun to battles making the query how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey worthwhile.

6. Shared Challenges and Achievements:

  • Luigi’s involvement in multiplayer mode means that both players share in the challenges and achievements of the game. Overcoming obstacles and collecting Power Moons becomes a collaborative effort, fostering a sense of shared accomplishment.

7. Competitive Aspects:

  • While cooperation is key, multiplayer mode also introduces friendly competition. Players can engage in mini-games or challenges to see who can collect the most coins or complete objectives more quickly, adding a playful competitive element to the experience.

8. Social Interaction:

  • Luigi’s role in multiplayer mode extends beyond the game screen. Playing alongside a friend as Luigi creates moments of social interaction and shared enjoyment. The cooperative adventure becomes a bonding experience for players enjoying the game together making the query how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey worthwhile.

9. Dynamic Split-Screen Action:

  • The split-screen feature in multiplayer mode dynamically adjusts to the actions of both players. This ensures that each player has a clear view of their character, fostering a seamless and enjoyable cooperative gaming experience adding an extra layer of fun to the query of how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.

10. Expanded Exploration Possibilities:

  • Luigi’s presence in multiplayer mode opens up new possibilities for exploration. Players can strategize and explore areas more efficiently, leveraging Luigi’s abilities to access hidden locations and uncover secrets making the query of how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey worthwhile.

In short if we analyse the aftermaths of query how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey. Luigi’s role in Super Mario Odyssey’s multiplayer mode goes beyond simple co-op play. It introduces collaborative dynamics, shared challenges, and a sense of camaraderie that adds a delightful twist to the overall gaming adventure. Whether you’re playing with a friend or family member, the cooperative journey with Mario and Luigi promises an engaging and memorable experience.

VIII. Luigi vs. Mario: A Gameplay Comparison

how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey

The gameplay experience in Super Mario Odyssey takes on a unique flavor when comparing Luigi and Mario, the iconic brothers in the Super Mario universe. Each character comes with its set of abilities, nuances, and characteristics, shaping the player’s experience in distinctive ways after reading this analysis you will know why so many of us are searching how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.

1. Jumping Abilities:

  • Mario:
    • Mario has well-balanced jumping abilities, offering a standard jump height and distance.
  • Luigi:
    • Luigi excels in jumping with higher and more extended jumps. His heightened agility can be advantageous for reaching elevated platforms and exploring hidden areas.

2. Speed and Maneuverability:

  • Mario:
    • Mario is known for his all-around skills, with a balanced speed that suits a variety of gameplay situations.
  • Luigi:
    • Luigi boasts increased speed, allowing players to traverse environments more swiftly. This characteristic can impact the overall pacing of gameplay.

3. Power-Ups and Abilities:

  • Mario:
    • Mario utilizes a range of power-ups, each offering unique advantages. These include Fire Flowers, Super Mushrooms, and the iconic Super Star.
  • Luigi:
    • Luigi comes with his exclusive set of power-ups, contributing to a varied gaming experience. These power-ups often enhance his jumping abilities or provide special attributes and make the players yearn for how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.

4. Balloon Float vs. Cap Throw:

  • Mario:
    • Mario’s primary mechanic involves using Cappy, his sentient hat, for various actions, including capturing enemies and interacting with the environment.
  • Luigi:
    • Luigi, on the other hand, employs his balloon float move, allowing for brief mid-air hovering. This move can be strategically used for precise platforming.

5. Aesthetics and Animations:

  • Mario:
    • Mario’s animations are classic and well-known, reflecting a balanced and versatile character design.
  • Luigi:
    • Luigi’s animations often showcase a certain acrobatic flair, adding a touch of elegance to his movements. These subtle differences contribute to the characters’ unique personalities and make the player search how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.

6. Cooperative Multiplayer Dynamics:

  • Mario:
    • Mario’s cooperative gameplay involves collaboration with Luigi or other players, creating a shared gaming experience.
  • Luigi:
    • Luigi’s involvement in cooperative play introduces specific combination moves and interactions, enhancing teamwork dynamics in multiplayer mode.

7. Storyline Involvement:

  • Mario:
    • As the main protagonist, Mario is central to the game’s narrative, driving the storyline forward in his quest to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser.
  • Luigi:
    • Luigi’s role in the storyline may be secondary, but his involvement often introduces unique elements and challenges, contributing to the overall narrative.

8. Community Popularity:

  • Mario:
    • Mario, as the face of the franchise, enjoys widespread popularity and recognition within the gaming community.
  • Luigi:
    • Luigi has a dedicated fan base, with enthusiasts appreciating his distinct personality and contributions to the Super Mario universe.

In summary, surfacing of the query how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey make it evident that the choice between Luigi and Mario in Super Mario Odyssey offers players a nuanced decision. Luigi’s unique abilities, acrobatic flair, and cooperative dynamics provide an alternative gaming experience that complements Mario’s more traditional and balanced approach. Ultimately, the preference between the two characters depends on individual playstyles and the desired challenges and experiences players seek in the magical kingdoms of Super Mario Odyssey.

how to play as luigi in super mario odyssey

The Super Mario franchise, with its iconic characters and rich lore, has sparked numerous fan theories and speculations over the years. Luigi, Mario’s beloved brother, has not been exempt from the scrutiny of enthusiastic fans. Here are some popular Luigi fan theories that have circulated within the gaming community:

1. The L is for Winner:

  • One light-hearted theory suggests that Luigi’s “L” on his cap doesn’t stand for “Luigi” but rather “Winner.” Proponents argue that Luigi, with his unique abilities and distinct personality, deserves recognition as a true winner in his own right.

2. Luigi’s Mansion: A Figment of His Imagination?

  • Some fans propose that Luigi’s Mansion, a game where Luigi explores a haunted mansion to rescue Mario, is all in Luigi’s mind. The theory suggests that Luigi created the entire scenario to boost his self-esteem and prove his bravery to himself.

3. Luigi is Rosalina’s Father:

  • A more speculative theory links Luigi to Rosalina, a character from the Super Mario Galaxy series. Some fans posit that Luigi could be Rosalina’s father, proposing intricate timelines and connections within the Mario universe.

4. The Mario Kart Incident:

  • This humorous theory suggests that Luigi’s notorious “Death Stare” in Mario Kart 8 is a result of witnessing Mario’s constant rescues of Princess Peach. Fans humorously propose that Luigi harbors resentment, leading to his intense glare during races.

5. The Shadowy Mr. L:

  • Building on Luigi’s alter ego, Mr. L, from the Paper Mario series, fans speculate about the potential return of this character. Some theories delve into the idea that Mr. L could have a more significant role in future Mario games or spin-offs.

6. Luigi is Immortal:

  • A whimsical theory suggests that Luigi is immortal, explaining his longevity throughout the Mario series. Fans playfully attribute Luigi’s survival to various factors, including mysterious powers or the intervention of supernatural beings.

7. Luigi’s Dark Secret:

  • Some theories explore the possibility of Luigi harboring a dark secret or hidden trauma. This speculation often draws on subtle hints in games, creating a narrative around Luigi’s personal struggles.

8. Luigi is the True Hero:

  • In contrast to Mario, fans have put forth the idea that Luigi is the unsung hero of the Mario universe. This theory argues that Luigi’s actions and contributions, while less spotlighted, are integral to the success of various adventures leading to the very searched query how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.

9. Luigi’s True Love:

  • Romantic theories have emerged, proposing potential love interests for Luigi. While Princess Daisy is traditionally associated with Luigi, some fans explore alternate pairings or even suggest that Luigi’s heart belongs to someone entirely unexpected.

10. Luigi’s Time-Traveling Adventures:

  • With the introduction of time travel elements in certain Mario games, fans speculate about Luigi’s potential involvement in time-traveling escapades. The theory explores the idea that Luigi may have influenced events across different timelines.

It’s important to note that these fan theories are products of creativity and imagination within the gaming community. While entertaining, they aren’t officially endorsed or confirmed by Nintendo. Nevertheless, these speculations contribute to the vibrant and engaging discussions among Super Mario enthusiasts worldwide giving rise to queries like how to play as Luigi in Super Mario Odyssey.


In conclusion, Luigi’s role in Super Mario Odyssey brings a unique charm to the gaming experience, offering heightened jumping abilities, distinctive power-ups, and acrobatic maneuvers. Unlocking Luigi involves progressing through the game, reaching the Mushroom Kingdom, and completing specific tasks. Playing as Luigi introduces cooperative multiplayer dynamics, shared challenges, and strategic planning. When comparing Luigi to Mario, differences in jumping, speed, and power-ups shape the gameplay. Popular fan theories add an extra layer of fun, speculating on Luigi’s character, relationships, and adventures. In the vast Mario universe, Luigi remains a beloved and multifaceted character, captivating players with his quirks and contributions.

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  1. Q: Can Luigi use power-ups like Mario in Super Mario Odyssey? A: Yes, Luigi can utilize various power-ups and special moves, providing players with a diverse set of abilities.
  2. Q: Are there any specific levels where Luigi’s skills are particularly advantageous? A: While Luigi’s skills can be beneficial in many levels, certain challenging areas may showcase his abilities more prominently.
  3. Q: Can I play as Luigi in the entire game, or are there limitations? A: Once unlocked, Luigi can be played in specific sections of Super Mario Odyssey, offering a fresh perspective on the adventure.
  4. Q: Are there any Luigi-themed events or updates in the game? A: Some events or updates may introduce Luigi-themed content, providing additional excitement for players.
  5. Q: What makes Luigi stand out compared to other characters in Super Mario Odyssey? A: Luigi’s unique abilities, personality, and gameplay style distinguish him from other characters, offering players a refreshing experience.

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