Age of Mythology Greek strategy

Age of Mythology Greek Strategy

Age of Mythology throws you into the heart of ancient legends, where gods, heroes, and mythical creatures clash for dominance. As a champion of the Greek pantheon, you’ll face formidable foes and forge your own epic saga. But to emerge victorious, you’ll need to master the Age of Mythology Greek strategy. Fear not, brave commander, for this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tactics to master Age of Mythology Greek strategy for your enemies and claim your rightful place among the gods!

Age of Mythology Greek strategy

1. Knowing Your Arsenal: Unique Strengths of the Greeks

The Greeks excel in versatility and adaptability. Their diverse unit roster, powerful heroes, and god powers offer solutions for various situations.

  • Well-rounded Economy: Greeks boast a balanced economy, relying on efficient gathering and strong gold generation through trade and tribute.
  • Flexible Military: Their hoplites form the core of their army, offering a solid frontline. Versatile units like peltasts and archers provide ranged support, while mythical creatures like cyclopes and heroes like Hercules add muscle.
  • Powerful God Powers: Greek gods offer a variety of options, from Zeus’ devastating lightning storms to Poseidon’s Kraken, which can turn the tide of battle.
Age of Mythology Greek strategy

2. Building a Strong Foundation: Early Game Strategies

A strong foundation is crucial for the Age of Mythology Greek strategy success. Here’s how to get started:

  • Focus on Economy: Prioritize building villagers and establishing farms, markets, and trade routes. Secure gold income early on to unlock key technologies and units.
  • Early Military: Train a small force of hoplites and peltasts to defend against early rushes and scout enemy activity.
  • Choose Your God Wisely: Select a god that complements your playstyle. Zeus offers offensive power, Poseidon excels in naval dominance, and Hera provides economic and defensive boons, while Hades can make the life of your enemies a living Hell.
Age of Mythology Greek strategy

3. Mastering the Mid-Game: Expanding Your Power

One of the significant aspects of the Age of Mythology Greek strategy is economy. Once your economy is stable, it’s time to expand and solidify your position:

  • Advance to Classical Age: Research key technologies like Bronze and Armory upgrades to enhance your units’ effectiveness.
  • Construct Military Buildings: Build barracks, archery ranges, and stables to produce a diverse army. Consider hero academies to train powerful mythological heroes.
  • Utilize Your God Powers: Don’t hoard your god powers! Use them strategically to gain an edge in key battles or defend against enemy attacks.
  • Map Control: Secure strategic locations and resources like gold mines and hunt animals to maintain economic momentum.

4. Dominating the Late Game: Strategies for Victory

The late game is where you utilize your Age of Mythology Greek strategy by unleashing the full might of your Greek civilization:

Age of Mythology Greek strategy
  • Forge Alliances: Consider forming temporary alliances with other civilizations to counter powerful enemies or secure strategic objectives.
  • Tech Up: Research advanced technologies like Myth and Heroic Age upgrades to unlock powerful units and mythical creatures.
  • Utilize Heroes Effectively: Heroes like Achilles and Heracles can turn the tide of battle. Use their unique abilities and powerful attacks to dismantle enemy formations.
  • Prepare for the Endgame: Depending on your chosen victory condition, focus on building a strong army, constructing Wonders, or accumulating resources.

5. Advanced Strategies: Unleashing the True Potential of the Greeks

Beyond the basics, here are some advanced Age of Mythology Greek strategy to elevate your Greek gameplay:

  • Flanking Maneuvers: Use peltasts and archers to harass enemy flanks while your hoplites engage them head-on.
  • Micromanagement: Effectively manage your units, prioritizing targets and utilizing their strengths. For example, use hoplites to counter cavalry and archers to counter archers.
  • Scouting and Map Awareness: Constantly scout your enemies and be aware of their movements and strategies. This allows for timely counter-attacks and strategic positioning.
  • Civilization Matchups: Adapt your Age of Mythology Greek strategy based on your opponent’s civilization. For example, against Egyptians, prioritize ranged units to counter their chariots, while against the Norse, focus on strong frontline units to withstand their berserker.

Key Unit combinations for Greeks

  • Hoplites + Peltasts: This classic combo provides a strong frontline with hoplites absorbing enemy attacks and peltasts harassing flanks and countering archers.
  • Archers + Myrmidons: This combination excels against other ranged units. Myrmidons can close the distance and overpower enemy archers, while archers provide sustained ranged damage.
  • Hetairoi + Heroes: Hetairoi, elite cavalry unlocked in the Heroic Age, can be paired with heroes like Achilles for devastating charges and flanking maneuvers.
Age of Mythology Greek strategy

Counter Specific enemy civilizations

  • Egyptians: Focus on ranged units like archers and slingers to counter their chariots. Utilize heroes like Heracles to overpower their powerful Pharaoh unit.
  • Norse: Prioritize strong frontline units like hoplites and heroes to withstand berserker attacks. Use ranged units to counter throwing axemen and flank their infantry with peltasts.
  • Atlanteans: Utilize heroes and mythical creatures like cyclopes to counter their powerful mythological units. Focus on micromanagement to avoid getting overwhelmed by their versatile army.

6. Conclusion: Embrace the Glory of Olympus

By mastering these Age of Mythology Greek strategy, you’ll be well on your way to leading the Greeks to victory. Remember, flexibility, adaptation, and smart thinking are key to Age of Mythology Greek strategy success. So, unleash the power of the gods, command your armies with wisdom, and etch your name in the legends of Age of Mythology Greek strategy Pioneers!

Age of Mythology Greek strategy


1. Which Greek god is best for beginners?

Zeus is a good choice for beginners due to his versatile god powers and overall offensive capabilities. However, choosing Odin, All Father can also be the best choice for seasoned players. Do check our Article on Norse Strategy.

2. What are some weaknesses of the Greeks?

Greeks lack strong cavalry options and their ranged units can be vulnerable to massed archers. They also requir

3. Where can I find additional resources to improve my Age of Mythology Greek strategy?

  • Online communities: Engage with online forums and communities dedicated to Age of Mythology. You’ll find experienced players sharing strategies, guides, and replays.
  • Streaming platforms: Watch skilled players stream their gameplay and learn from their strategies and decision-making processes.
  • Official resources: The Age of Mythology website and official forums offer valuable information, guides, and community discussions.

By incorporating these strategies and utilizing available resources, you’ll transform from a novice commander to a formidable force in the world of Age of Mythology. Remember, practice, experimentation, and a strategic mind are the keys to unlocking the true potential of the glorious Greek civilization. Now, go forth, brave commander, and claim your rightful place among the legends!

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