Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy

Age of Mythology Atlantean Strategy

The sands of time whisper tales of a forgotten civilization, a kingdom that once ruled the waves and defied the wrath of the gods. The Atlanteans, shrouded in myth and legend, now rise from the depths of history in Age of Mythology, offering you the chance to rewrite their destiny. But unlike the other civilizations vying for dominance, the Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy demands a unique approach to warfare and resource management.

Imagine yourself as the heir to a lost throne, leading a people renowned for their advanced technology and powerful heroes. You’ll command Myrmidons, elite warriors honed for close combat, and Triremes, sleek warships that dominate the seas. Yet, your path to victory won’t be without challenges. Atlantean buildings are vulnerable, your economy relies heavily on trade and fishing, and mastering the micromanagement of heroes is crucial for devising an effective Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy.

Fear not, aspiring Atlantean leader! This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and tactics of the Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy that are needed to unleash the full potential of this lost empire. Delve into the unique strengths and weaknesses of the Atlanteans, discover in-depth strategies for every stage of the game, and learn how to counter your enemies with cunning Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy and prowess. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a curious newcomer, this Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy guide will equip you with the tools to build a thriving underwater economy, command a versatile army, and ultimately claim your rightful place among the legends of Age of Mythology.

So, cast aside your doubts, embrace the legacy of your ancestors, and prepare to rewrite the legend of Atlantis! Let the seas tremble at the sight of your Triremes, and let your heroes carve their names in the annals of history. The time for glory has come!

Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy

1. Understanding the Atlantean Identity: Strengths and Weaknesses

The Atlanteans excel in versatility and adaptability. Here’s a breakdown of their key strengths and weaknesses in order to devise a balanced Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy:


  • Unique Units: Atlanteans boast unique units like the powerful Myrmidons and the versatile Trireme ships, offering diverse options for various situations.
  • Advanced Technologies: They have access to powerful technologies like Bronze Working and Shipbuilding, enhancing their units and economy.
  • Heroic Focus: Their civilization revolves around powerful heroes like Arkantos and Odysseus, offering significant combat prowess and unique abilities.
Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy


  • Fragile Buildings: Unlike other civilizations, Atlantean buildings have lower health, making them vulnerable to attacks.
  • Limited Economy Options: Their economy relies heavily on fishing and trade, requiring careful resource management.
  • Micromanagement Intensive: Utilizing heroes and their abilities effectively requires a degree of micromanagement.

2. Building a Strong Foundation: Early Game Strategies

A strong foundation is crucial for a successful Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy. Here’s what you need to focus on:

  • Secure Resources: Prioritize securing fishing docks and establishing trade routes. Utilize heroes like Theseus to explore the map and find suitable locations.
  • Focus on Military: While building your economy, train some Myrmidons and Peltasts for early defense. Utilize their ranged and close-quarters capabilities to defend against early rushes.
  • Choose Your God Wisely: Select a god that complements your playstyle. Poseidon offers naval dominance, Kronos grants powerful economic boons, and Gaia provides defensive and support options. Here is the Best god Guide for Age Of Mythology.
Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy

3. Expanding Your Power: Strategies for the Mid-Game

Once your economy is stable, Here is the Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy to expand and solidify your position:

  • Advance to Classical Age: Research key technologies like Bronze Working and Shipbuilding to enhance your units’ effectiveness.
  • Construct Military Buildings: Build barracks, archery ranges, and hero academies to train a diverse army and powerful heroes.
  • Utilize Your God Powers: Don’t hoard your god powers! Use them strategically to gain an edge in key battles or defend against enemy attacks.
  • Naval Dominance: Utilize your Triremes to control key waterways, harass enemy trade routes, and potentially launch amphibious attacks.
Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy

4. Securing Victory: Late Game Strategies and Domination

The late game is where you unleash the full might of your Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy:

  • Forge Alliances: Consider forming temporary alliances with other civilizations to counter powerful enemies or secure strategic objectives.
  • Tech Up: Research advanced technologies like Myth and Heroic Age upgrades to unlock powerful units like Titans and mythical creatures.
  • Utilize Heroes Effectively: Heroes like Arkantos and Odysseus can turn the tide of battle. Use their unique abilities and powerful attacks to dismantle enemy formations.
  • Prepare for the Endgame: Depending on your chosen victory condition, focus on building a strong army, constructing Wonders, or accumulating resources for a final offensive push.
Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy

5. Advanced Strategies: Unleashing the True Potential of Atlantis

Beyond the basics, here is advanced Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy to elevate your Atlantean gameplay:

  • Micromanagement Mastery: Effectively manage your units, prioritizing targets and utilizing their strengths. For example, use Myrmidons to counter archers and Triremes to flank enemy ships.
  • Scouting and Map Awareness: Constantly scout your enemies and be aware of their movements and strategies. This allows for timely counter-attacks and strategic positioning.
  • Civilization Matchups: Adapt your strategy based on your opponent’s civilization. For example, against Egyptians, prioritize ranged units like archers and slingers to counter their chariots, while against Norse, focus on strong frontline units like Myrmidons to withstand their berserkers.
Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy

6. Conclusion: Reclaim Your Lost Glory!

By mastering the Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy, you’ll be well on your way to leading the Atlanteans to victory. Remember, adaptability, strategic thinking, and effective resource management are key to success. So, embrace the power of your heroes, command your armies with wisdom, and rewrite the legend of the lost empire!


1. Which Atlantean god is best for beginners?

Poseidon is a good choice for beginners due to his strong focus on naval dominance and economic benefits. His god powers like “Kraken” and “Favor of the Ocean” can be game-changers in naval battles, and his economic boons like “Favor of the Tides” can help manage resources effectively.

2. What are some key unit combinations for best Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy?

  • Myrmidons + Heroes: This classic combo forms the core of your land army. Myrmidons provide frontline muscle, while heroes like Arkantos and Odysseus offer powerful support and offensive capabilities.
  • Peltasts + Slingers: This combination excels in harassing enemy archers and ranged units. Peltasts can close the distance and engage in close combat, while slingers provide sustained ranged damage.
  • Triremes + Fire Siphons: Utilize Triremes to control the seas and engage in naval combat, while Fire Siphons, unlocked in the Heroic Age, offer devastating area-of-effect damage against enemy ships.

3. How can I counter specific enemy civilizations?

  • Greeks: Prioritize strong frontline units like Myrmidons and heroes to counter hoplites. Utilize ranged units like slingers to counter their archers and Triremes to control the seas.
  • Norse: Focus on ranged units like slingers and archers to counter throwing axemen. Utilize Triremes effectively to counter their longships and heroes like Arkantos to duel against their berserkers.
  • Egyptians: Utilize Triremes to counter their chariots and archers on the water. Focus on micromanagement and flanking maneuvers to overcome their strong but slow-moving army.

4. Where can I find additional resources to improve my Age of Mythology Atlantean strategy?

  • Online communities: Engage with online forums and communities dedicated to Age of Mythology. You’ll find experienced players sharing strategies, guides, and replays.
  • Streaming platforms: Watch skilled players stream their gameplay and learn from their strategies and decision-making processes.
  • Official resources: The Age of Mythology website and official forums offer valuable information, guides, and community discussions.

By incorporating these strategies and utilizing available resources, you’ll transform from a novice Atlantean leader to a formidable force in the world of Age of Mythology. Remember, creativity, adaptation, and a strategic mind are the keys to unlocking the true potential of the technologically advanced and heroic Atlantean civilization. Now, go forth, reclaim your lost glory, and rewrite the legend in your favor!

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