Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order

The Mongols, known for their nomadic lifestyle and ferocious horsemen, offer a dynamic and aggressive playstyle in Age of Empires 4. Mastering their unique mechanics and utilizing their strengths are crucial to achieving victory on the battlefield. This guide delves into a detailed Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order and strategies, equipping you to lead the Mongol hordes to dominance.

Age of Empires 4 Mongols Build Order

1. The Heart of the Horde: Understanding the Mongol Strengths

To Master Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order, you should know your strengths. The Mongols boast unique advantages that set them apart:

Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order
  • Superior Mobility: Their civilization bonus grants bonus movement speed to all units, allowing for swift scouting, map control, and rapid redeployment.
  • Early Scouting Emphasis: Sheep provide bonus gold upon gathering, enabling early access to crucial technologies and units.
  • Unique Landmarks: Ovoo provides passive gold generation and unlocks powerful upgrades, while the Ger grants additional housing and production capabilities.
  • Versatile Military: Mongols have access to a diverse army composition, including powerful cavalry, archers, and siege units.
Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order

2. Laying the Foundations: Early Game Strategies

Focusing on early Game foundations is crucial for Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order for your conquest:

  • Prioritize Villager Production: Begin by training villagers at your Town Center (TC) without delay.
  • Initial Focus on Food: Send your first villagers to gather from sheep, maximizing your early gold income.
  • Wood Gathering: Dedicate a few villagers to collecting wood for building construction.
  • Scout and Gather: Build a Scout early to explore the map, locate resources, and identify potential enemy locations.
  • Gold Mining: As resources allow, send villagers to build a Mining Camp near a gold deposit.
Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order

3. The Power of the Ovoo: Choosing Your Early Focus

Selecting your first landmark defines your Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order early game strategy and sets the tone for your overall approach:

  • Altai: Opting for Altai provides a passive gold income boost, allowing for faster research and unit production. This path suits aggressive players seeking a strong early army.
  • Khan Palace: This landmark prioritizes economic development. It unlocks technologies that enhance resource gathering and villager production, leading to a stronger long-term economy.
Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order

4. Early Domination: Utilizing Mobility and Scouting

Early Domination is a good plan for Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order as the Mongols’ strength lies in their mobility and early scouting. Here’s how to leverage these advantages:

  • Constant Scouting: Utilize your Scout to constantly explore the map, locate resources, and identify potential enemy weaknesses.
  • Harassment Tactics: Utilize your early horsemen to harass enemy villagers, disrupt their economy, and scout their technology advancements.
  • Early Raids: Once you have a small cavalry force, consider launching early raids to inflict damage on enemy outposts and resource points.
  • Map Control: Secure key strategic locations and resources like gold mines to solidify your economic advantage.

5. Mid-Game Expansion: Powering Up Your Horde

The mid-game is crucial for Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order as it is where you transition from early pressure to building your army and strengthening your economy:

  • Landmark Construction: Build your chosen Dynasty landmark as soon as possible. Opt for Altai for aggressive play, or Khan Palace for a stronger economy.
  • Tech Focus: Research key technologies that enhance your chosen strategy. Consider technologies like Horse Collar and Doctrines of War for cavalry upgrades, or Double-Bit Axe for faster resource gathering.
  • Diverse Army Composition: Train a mix of units like Horsemen, Lancers, and Mangonels. This versatility allows you to counter various enemy strategies and adapt to the situation.
  • Continued Scouting: Maintain constant map awareness through scouting, allowing you to react to enemy movements and anticipate their plans.
Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order

6. Late-Game Strategies: Securing Victory

The late game Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order is about utilizing your economic and military might to secure victory:

  • Upgrading Your Army: Invest in further upgrades for your core units like Horsemen and Lancers. Consider researching technologies like Stirrups and Lamellar Armor for increased mobility and defense.
  • Siege Warfare: Utilize Mangonels and Trebuchets to siege down enemy Town Centers and other fortifications.
  • Micromanagement: Effective micromanagement of your cavalry units is crucial. Use flanking maneuvers, hit-and-run tactics, and focus fire to maximize their effectiveness.
  • Adaptability: Remain flexible and adapt your strategy based on your opponent’s composition. If they counter your cavalry, consider transitioning to archers or siege weapons.
Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order

7. Mastering the Mongol Horde: Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips to help you master the Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order:

  • Utilize Ovoo Upgrades: Don’t forget to utilize the powerful upgrades unlocked by your Ovoo landmark. These can significantly enhance your military and economic capabilities.
  • Early Trade Route: Establish an early trade route with a neutral market to generate additional income and access valuable resources.
  • Utilize Ger Production Bonus: The Ger landmark provides bonus production speed for units trained within its influence. Utilize this advantage to quickly mass-produce your core army.
  • Khan Palace Economy Boosts: If you choose the Khan Palace, capitalize on its economic benefits. Utilize technologies like Wheelbarrow and Loom to further enhance resource gathering and villager production.
  • Late-Game Ally: Consider forming an alliance with a defensive civilization in the late game. This can help deter enemy attacks and free up your resources to focus on your main army.
Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order

8. Conclusion: Leading the Horde to Glory

Mastering the Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order requires a balance of aggressive tactics, economic development, and strategic adaptation. By understanding their strengths, utilizing their mobility, and implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to leading the Mongol horde to glorious victory. Remember, practice, experimentation, and a keen strategic mind are key to mastering this dynamic civilization.


1. Which Mongol landmark is better for Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order: Altai or Khan Palace?

The answer depends on your playstyle. Altai is better for aggressive players who want a strong early army, while Khan Palace is better for players who prefer a more stable economy and long-term growth.

2. How do I counter enemy archers as Mongols?

Utilize your superior mobility to flank and engage the archers with your cavalry before they can deal significant damage. Alternatively, consider researching technologies like Leather Barding to increase your cavalry’s resistance to ranged attacks.

3. What are some key units for the Mongol army?

Horsemen, Lancers, and Mangonels form the core of the Mongol army. Horsemen provide early harassment and scouting, Lancers are powerful against other cavalry units, and Mangonels offer siege capabilities.

4. How do I micro-manage my Mongol cavalry effectively?

Use your cavalry in groups and target enemy units with focus fire. Utilize hit-and-run tactics to avoid engaging in prolonged fights where your cavalry can be surrounded and overwhelmed.

5. What are some good late-game Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order strategies for the Mongols?

Focus on upgrading your core units, utilize siege weaponry to take down enemy fortifications, and adapt your strategy based on your opponent’s composition. Consider forming an alliance with a defensive civilization for additional support.

By incorporating this Age of Empires 4 Mongols build order guide and continuously honing your skills, you’ll transform from a nomadic leader into a formidable force to be reckoned with in the world of Age of Empires 4. Go forth, Khan, and conquer!

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