Age of Empires 4 HRE Build Order

Embark on a journey through history and conquer your foes with the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) in Age of Empires 4 (AoE 4). This versatile civilization, known for its powerful late-game potential and unique landmarks, requires strategic planning and efficient resource management. To maximize your HRE dominance, mastering optimized Age of Empires 4 hre build order is crucial. Fear not, aspiring emperors, for this guide will equip you with the knowledge of Age of Empires 4 HRE build order and strategies to build a thriving empire and crush your adversaries!

Age of Empires 4 HRE Build Order:

1. Understanding the HRE: Strengths and Weaknesses

To Master Age of Empires 4 HRE build order one must know its strengths. The HRE excels in several aspects:

Age of Empires 4 HRE build order
  • Strong Economy: They benefit from efficient villager gathering rates and strong gold generation through relics and trade.
  • Versatile Military: Their diverse unit roster allows for adaptation to various situations. From powerful infantry like MaA and Men-at-Arms to unique options like Prelates and Landsknechte, you have the tools to counter different strategies.
  • Powerful Landmarks: The HRE boasts unique landmarks like the Burgrave Palace and the Swabia Monastery, offering economic and military bonuses.
Age of Empires 4 HRE build order

However, the Age of Empires 4 HRE build order also has some considerations:

  • Slower Early Game: They lack strong early aggression options compared to some civilizations.
  • Landmarks Require Investment: Building and utilizing landmarks effectively takes time and resources.
  • Micromanagement: Effectively managing multiple Prelates and utilizing their conversion abilities requires some practice.

2. Early Game Strategy: Building a Strong Foundation

The early game Age of Empires 4 HRE build order is crucial for setting up a stable economy and preparing for the later stages. Here’s your roadmap to Age of Empires 4 HRE build order:

  • Focus on Economy: Prioritize building villagers and establishing farms, markets, and trade routes. Secure gold income early on to unlock key technologies and units.
  • Early Military: Train a small force of MaA and archers to defend against early rushes and scout enemy activity.
  • Choose Your Landmark: Select a landmark that complements your strategy. Burgrave Palace can boost your gold generation, while Aachen Chapel provides early access to powerful units.
Age of Empires 4 HRE build order

3. Transitioning to the Feudal Age: Expanding Your Might

As you reach the Feudal Age, the Age of Empires 4 HRE build order focus shifts towards expansion and securing strategic resources:

  • Advance to Feudal Age: Research key technologies like Wheelbarrow and Double-bit Axe to enhance your economy and military.
  • Construct Military Buildings: Build barracks, archery ranges, and stables to produce a diverse army. Consider building a Prelate Chapel to aid in converting neutral relics.
  • Map Control: Secure strategic locations and resources like gold mines and hunt animals to maintain economic momentum.
  • Utilize Prelates: Start converting neutral relics to generate additional gold income and unlock powerful late-game bonuses.
Age of Empires 4 HRE build order

4. Dominating the Castle Age: Unlocking the HRE’s Potential

To unlock the full potential of Age of Empires 4 HRE build order, one must proceed to Castle Age. The Castle Age opens doors to powerful units and landmarks that define the HRE’s strength:

  • Forge Alliances: Consider forming temporary alliances with other civilizations to counter powerful enemies or secure strategic objectives.
  • Invest in Landmarks: Choose a second landmark based on your needs. Swabia Monastery can further boost your economy, while Regnitz Cathedral unlocks powerful unique units.
  • Tech Up: Research advanced technologies like Conscription and Squires to enhance your army’s effectiveness.
  • Utilize Unique Units: Leverage the power of unique units like Landsknechte and Prelates for effective combat and relic control.
Age of Empires 4 HRE build order

5. Late Game Strategies: Securing Victory

The late game Age of Empires 4 HRE build order allows you to unleash the full might of your HRE empire:

  • Focus on Your Win Condition: Depending on your chosen victory condition, prioritize building a strong army, constructing Wonders, or accumulating resources.
  • Maintain Relic Control: Continue converting relics to maximize your gold income and unlock late-game bonuses.
  • Utilize Late-Game Technologies: Research technologies like Chemistry and Ballistics to further enhance your army’s power.
  • Micromanagement Finesse: Effectively manage your units and Prelates, prioritizing targets and utilizing their abilities strategically.
Age of Empires 4 HRE build order

6. Advanced Strategies: Mastering the Art of HRE Domination

Beyond the basics, here are some advanced strategies of Age of Empires 4 HRE build order to elevate your HRE gameplay:

  • Prelate Micromanagement: Continuously move your Prelates between relics to maximize conversion efficiency and gold income.
  • Defensive Positioning: Utilize defensive structures like towers and castles to protect your landmarks and key resources.
  • Scouting and Map Awareness: Constantly scout your enemies and be aware of their movements and strategies to counter their attacks effectively.
  • Civilization Matchups: Adapt your strategy based on your opponent’s civilization. For example, against French cavalry, prioritize strong pikes and ranged units.
Age of Empires 4 HRE build order

7. Conclusion: Lead Your Empire to Glory

By incorporating these strategies and mastering efficient Age of Empires 4 HRE build order, you’ll be well on your way to leading the Holy Roman Empire to victory. Remember, patience, strategic thinking, and effective resource management are key to success. So, don your crown, gather your loyal subjects, and conquer the world of Age of Empires 4 as the mighty Holy Roman Emperor!


1. Which early landmark should I choose for the HRE?

The choice depends on your playstyle. Burgrave Palace is generally safe for a strong economy, while Aachen Chapel offers earlier access to powerful units for aggressive strategies.

2. How do I effectively manage multiple Prelates?

Group your Prelates together and use the “shift-click” command to assign them to different relics in quick succession. This ensures efficient movement and conversion.

3. What are some key unit combinations for the HRE?

  • MaA + Crossbowmen: A classic combination for frontline defense and ranged support.
  • Landsknechte + Pikes: Landsknechte excel against other infantry, while pikes counter cavalry charges.
  • Prelates + Mangonels: Prelates convert relics while Mangonels provide long-range siege support.

4. How can I counter specific enemy civilizations?

  • French: Utilize strong pikes and ranged units to counter their cavalry dominance.
  • English: Focus on economic pressure and relic control to outlast their longbows.
  • Rus: Prioritize ranged units and defensive structures to counter their early aggression and Strelets.

5. Where can I find additional resources to improve my HRE gameplay?

  • Online communities: Engage with online forums and communities dedicated to Age of Empires 4. You’ll find experienced players sharing strategies, guides, and replays.
  • Streaming platforms: Watch skilled players stream their HRE gameplay and learn from their decision-making processes.
  • Official resources: The Age of Empires 4 website and official forums offer valuable information, guides, and community discussions.

By incorporating these tips and diligently practicing your Age of Empires 4 HRE build order, you’ll transform from a novice ruler to a formidable force in the world of Age of Empires 4. Remember, emperors are forged in the fires of strategy and resourcefulness. Now go forth, conquer your foes, and etch your name in the annals of history!

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